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The Mk1 Headquarters is in Atlanta, GA, but we have team members from around the world. Our yoyo-team is talented, hard-working, and loves to help people in the yoyo community! Follow them from their individual socials on this page, or check out the Mk1 YouTube channel.

Jack Hudspath
The OG Mk1 player. He likes yoyos. He also enjoys composing music, singing, working with synths, and doodling. Jack has been on the Mk1 team since October 2019.

Elliot Ding
Medium string gang. He likes yoyos. Has a penchant for photography. Bassoon player and League of Legends fan. You’ll find him regularly at the London yoyo club. He’s been on the Mk1 team since December 2019.

Max Choo
Short string gang. Tech wizard. He likes yoyos, Gundam, skateboarding, and many other things. His signature yoyo with Mk1 is the Dynames.

Erick Osorio – EOS44
Medium/Short string gang. He likes yoyos, guitar and music in general, drawing and moderating online communities. He hails from El Salvador and has been yoyoing since 2016. He’s been on the Mk1 team since September 2020, and his signature colorway is LowHP.

Connor Sheahan
Famously known as Hamdog. Started yoyoing in 2017. Has a penchant for watermelon colored yoyos. Might be interested in geology (rocks). A lovely yo-yoer who always wants to do more. He’s been on the Mk1 team since March 2021, and his signature colorway is HDMelon.

Luis Lizardo
Luis is a friendly and supportive yoyoer who seems to make everything around him more pleasant. Once upon a time, a stage fell apart during one of his yoyo performances. In 2021 he took 21st place in Scales V. He plays guitar and has a cool dog. Luis can type 80-90 minutes with just his index fingers. It’s not the best way to type quickly but you have to respect the raw speed.
Mk1 Team Join Date: April 2021.
Signature Colorway: Lilac Lizard

Nathan Crissey
Nathan started yoyoing in the late 90’s and never stopped. Formerly on Team YoYoJam and the Werrd Alliance, he’s a National Yo-Yo Master and most well known for his roles judging and organizing contests though he was once 4th in the US in 5A. He lives just outside of Houston with his wife, 2 kids, and dog and enjoys trivia, barbecuing, weightlifting, sports, and building keyboards.
He joined Mk1 yoyos in February of 2022.

Cedric Khong
Ced lives in Singapore, and he throws frontstyle, to complement his long-string technical formations, which he’s been working on for 6 years. His favorite Mk1 yoyos are the Dynames and Path. He plays 1a, 4a, and 5a.
Favorite foods: Ramen, pasta
Favorite shows: Naruto Shippuden, John Wick
Mk1 Team Join Date: May 2023.

Mark Diehr
Hello! I like designing yoyos, crochet, programming computers, and raising my 3 daughters with my wonderful wife. I hope you like the yoyos we create.
I used to live in Florida but I moved to Georgia in 2021.

My box-assembly helper. She likes decoding intergalactic alphabets.

Short hair gang. He likes yoyo string. Raven is still here, knocking yoyos on the floor and digging through boxes.