Yoyo News

  • Behold, a Unicorn

    I’ve wanted to make a yoyo like this for years, now. A much earlier version had a shape more curved inward, with full outer weight rings. My design sensibilities (and skill) have improved in the meantime, and with the additional experience from working on the Gemstones, I felt compelled to finish this up and order…

  • The Dynames Yoyo

    Making a signature yoyo design is a lot of work. Instead of grabbing ideas from my brain and putting them directly into FreeCAD, I have to carefully extract them from someone else’s thoughts via regular communication channels, translate them into detailed specifications, draw them in FreeCAD, and then show the result to the other person…

  • Diffraction v3

    Yoyoers: Mark, Jack, EOS, MaxYoyo: Diffraction v3, now availableYou can also get the Diffraction yoyo at Motmotshop, YoyoExpert, YoyoSam, and Yoyotricks.

  • Four years of yoyo design

    Thank you for the many years of support for Mk1!I first released the Diffraction to a small group of online folks on October 30th in 2018. I had spent the previous 6 months learning and practicing yoyo design, getting feedback from friends, planning out colors, and getting an engraving sorted.This was a fun and exciting…

  • Nathan Crissey joins Mk1 Yoyos

    National Yoyo Master and very nice person Nathan Crissey was already a fan of Mk1 yoyos when I asked him if he wanted to join. I knew that, of course, having asked him if he was a fan of Mk1 yoyos beforehand. This was a natural result of our online friendship, such as things are.He’s…

  • Mk1 Spyglass Design Notes

    The Spyglass is the latest yoyo design from Mk1 Yoyos, our third bimetal, and eighth release overall. It takes design inspiration from previous Mk1 releases, the Diffraction and Contact, combining them into something wholly unique in our lineup. We’re excited for it. Are you?I documented the design and production process on YouTube in a video…

  • Developing the Sliver

    Developing the Sliver

    The design of the Sliver, a new yoyo from Mk1 and Spiral, began with a threat.Jamie (Spiral owner) immediately responded with some slimline/mini thoughts, and a 37mm wide concept that he had been working on intermittently. This was back in 2020, early in the year, before even the Kappa had released.Talk about a collab subsided…

  • Mk1 and Spinworthy – The RBC

    The RBC yoyo is a collaborative effort between MK1 Yoyos and Spinworthy. The idea behind this project was to take one of Spinworthy’s popular wooden models, the Blood Cell, and recreate it in high-quality 7068 alloy as a hollow, tug-responsive yoyo.The RBC uses a very small MR85 bearing, 5x8x2.5mm in size, and custom pads that…

  • 44Tutorials

    Mk1 team member EOS44 has been very, very busy in the yoyo tutorial sphere with great intermediate to advanced content.Here’s some recent videos that we recommend!Make sure you subscribe here.